Friday, December 24, 2010

Driving Miss Bekah

Being the youngest of ten children could probably lead to some spoilage (do ya think?), but I do think Bekah has handled her situation rather well. Sure, she can and does play that card when she wants to, but she's civil most of the time. This is about driving, I promise.

A couple of weeks ago the red car died. The poor thing started out as a mission car so who knows what sort of abuse it suffered at the hands of 19 year old missionaries. Scott bought it, sold it to us, bought it back, then sold it back to us once again. It served us well as a car for Dan and Bekah to use but I think it took too many trips to the homestead in Mescal when Scott and Benjamin were commuting from their tent city. Other than the paint, headliner, door handles, headlight covers, battery, engine and transmission, it's in excellent condition. I think the left tail light works. Yes, we are in the market for another car.

Really, this is about driving. A couple of days ago Bekah had gone to the temple in Mesa to help some of her friends with a family photo shoot and, since we were down a car, I had to go pick her up. To save time and gas for both parties we decided to meet at the Carl's Jr at I-10 and Congress as it is the half way point between our domiciles. Good idea. She called just after 10PM so off I went. I made good time and then waited, and waited, and waited. Around 11:30 she called and said "Where the heck are you!" "I"m waiting in the Carl's Jr parking lot." "So am I." We had both been in different areas of the same parking lot with visions of car wrecks dancing in out heads wondering what was taking so long.

Here comes the driving part (at last). As I was driving her home, she asked me to take her driving on the Interstate so she could learn how to drive there and her Mom would let her use I-10 to get to her friend's house. WHAT? "You can't drive on the Interstate?" "No, Mom says it's too dangerous." Holy crap. I drove to San Bleeding Francisco from Idaho when I was 15 years old BY MY SELF! Codling is a terrible thing. I gave her a lesson on how it's pretty much the same as driving in town but easier, faster, but actually easier. I think she's ready to do it and Babs might agree...but I doubt it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh mom:) lol The interstate is way easier and more fun cause you aren't stopping so much. Mom the worrier:)