Thursday, December 9, 2010

For Crying Out Loud

Yes, I am in for it. Seriously, I think all adults should be able to just wail away like a three year old who just dropped her ice cream cone. Tilt our head back, fill our lungs and yowl like young banshees.

I came to this realization last Thursday at the conclusion of the Arizona - ASU football game. It would have been so cathartic to have been able to just boo hoo like a little kid. I really think it would have helped us all. Some 55,000 people shrieking to the sky would have been way impressive.

Saturday night I could have used another bawl fest. Babs and I were visiting Jer, Linda, and family at Ft Campbell, KY. To avoid forcing any of the grandkids out of their beds, we were happy to sleep on the very comfortable sofas in the living room.

All was well until Babs asked me to unplug the lights on the Christmas tree so she could sleep. I did so and, not surprisingly, it got much darker concealing our large suitcase that was hiding by the tree. As I strode to the comfort of the couch, I managed to catch the little toe of my left foot on the corner of the suitcase.

Funny thing about my feet. Diabetes has caused the loss of feeling in much of both of them. I thought perhaps the entirety of them both. I was wrong, way wrong. I do have feeling on the outside of my feet. Boy howdy, do I have feeling there! Sweet Mother of Pearl, I wanted to cry like the paid mourners at a Guatemalan funeral. It hurt all the way to my thigh. I know a few minutes of weeping and wailing would have made it much better. I wanted my mama.

I limped around on it Sunday to make it various shades of purple then went to the urgent care center on Ft Campbell Monday morning. Sure enough the little guy is cracked in two. Broken like a treaty with the Lamenites. They gave me some Percocet (my favorite), a spiffy blue shoe and sent me on my way. I didn't get to cry like I wanted but I did milk it for all the sympathy I could.

We had a great time with the Kentucky and Alabama Howes. Linda and Jer are wonderful hosts managing to fit all of nineteen of us quite comfortably Saturday night for Isaac's blessing Sunday.


Linda said...

Did that little piggy cry wee, wee, wee all the way home? :-) We loved having you guys visit!

Lesley said...

Your lesson opener on Sunday was particularly amusing. lets hear it for stylish boots :)