Sunday, October 26, 2008

8 Random Things About Me

In random order:

1. The very best decision I ever made in my whole long life is marrying Barbara Parkin.

2. My right ear is bigger than my left ear.

3. I owe my sense of humor to my dad who was the funniest man I have ever known.

4. My children are so amazing I can't even imagine how great their kids will be!

5. Frozen raspberry zingers ring my chimes.

6. I really am arrogant.

7. Calabasitas are GROSS!

8. At times I miss Cori beyond measure.

There you are. Thanks for starting this Melissa.


Jeremy said...

I definitely agree with number 1 being number 1. Wish I could have met Grandpa Howe; from all the stories you've told us growing up he sounded like an interesting character. I don't think you are arrogant, just confident. I LOVE raspberry zingers and will now try them frozen. My big weakness is frozen almond M&Ms; they light up my christmas tree for sure.

Linda said...

I don't know what Calabasitas are but I am glad you know about your ears. :-)

Benjamin said...

What no mention of how much you admire Angela Lansbury :) I to have no clue what calabasitas are?? I love raspberry anything.

Lesley said...

oops that last comment was from me :)