Sunday, October 26, 2008

8 Random Things About Me

In random order:

1. The very best decision I ever made in my whole long life is marrying Barbara Parkin.

2. My right ear is bigger than my left ear.

3. I owe my sense of humor to my dad who was the funniest man I have ever known.

4. My children are so amazing I can't even imagine how great their kids will be!

5. Frozen raspberry zingers ring my chimes.

6. I really am arrogant.

7. Calabasitas are GROSS!

8. At times I miss Cori beyond measure.

There you are. Thanks for starting this Melissa.

Monday, October 13, 2008

And Here We Have Idaho...

For the ill/uninformed masses, the title of this blog is also the title of the Idaho state song. I have been laboring rather diligently to teach the little ditty to Daniel who leaves in two days to serve his mission in Pocatello. I figure he can impress the heck out of the spudvillians by bursting forth with a rousing rendition of their own state song. This coming from a Panamanian-born Arizona kid should wow them to no end (though they do tend to be easily amused). Enough of this blather. This is about the trip to Idaho.

My very oldest sister, Lorna came into enough money to fund another trip to Idaho (we went last summer for family/school reunions). She offered to pay for me to come along as her chauffeur/body guard/porter/lackey so off we went. The trip was to coincide with our brother Stanley's 73rd birthday. We flew to Boise to borrow our Uncle Lloyd's pickup (again) for the rest of the trip. We drove to Twin Falls to spend the night with Aunt Wyoma. What fun that was! She is 88 years old and a dear, sweet lady who lives my herself and should NOT be allowed to drive ever again! I know it's hard to give up that independence but, sweet mother-of-pearl, it was scary riding with her. It was a great visit though. I got to spend time with her looking at old pictures and talking about how it was when she and my dad were kids and her life during World War II. I hope she can still make it to Yuma for the winter. Lorna plans to bring her to Tucson so she can come visit.

The next day we drove to Mackay to stay with dear friends Carol and Lowell Fraunholtz whose claim to fame (one of many) is that their daughter is the script supervisor for the TV series "Lost". Her name is even in the credits. My best friend in high school, Brad Kirwan, met us there in Mackay so we could go fishing. He brought his dog, Tia, along and off we went to the dam to attack the trout. I took some cool pictures but will have to attach them later because I don't know how to do that yet. At any rate, I fished, he caught, Tia played with a big yellow lab, and we all had a wonderful time. To be continued...

Where Have You Been Grandpa?

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. I plan to chop this blog into more palatable chunks so as to deter potential readers from considering it to be the next great American novel. First off, the reason for such a long gap in gapoz. Upon my return flight from Boise on 22 SEP (more about that wonderful trip later) , I felt a twinge in what I imagined to be the sinus on the left side of my schnozz. No biggie, thought I. WRONG! Soon twinge blossomed to semi-large ice-pick protruding from aforementioned spot accompanied by double vision. Very long story shortened as much as I can: trips to emergency room, ophthalmologist, Dr Moe Howard, fistsfulls of pills, ophthalmologist again, MRI, and finally (oh, blessed relief!) steroids prescribed by the dear, sweet ophthalmologist. Within an hour of taking the steroids the pain that had been constant for almost three weeks was gone! I still have to have a CAT-scan and am back to wearing the eye-patch (arrrgh!) but I can function once again and even sleep.