Saturday, September 1, 2012

Seminary...Rhymes with Cemetary

I'm three weeks into being a seminary teacher and haven't died yet, though I came pretty close. Early morning really is EARLY. There are rather beautiful sunrises here...who knew. Pretty soon they'll be happening on my way home. I'm a very old dog and this is an exceptionally new trick. I don't know how long it's going to take my body to get used to this but I do hope it's soon. Now and then they expect me to be awake work. My feeling of absolute inadequacy caused a melt-down the evening of my second Tuesday teaching. I was DONE, FINISHED, KAPUT. I was certain they had called the wrong guy. It's not that the kids are bad or anything like that because they are amazing. There's no way I would have gotten up that early for seminary when I was their age. Not on a big bet. I was just overwhelmed by the enormity of the calling. After much convincing by Babs that I could indeed do the job, she suggested I get a blessing from Bishop Ben. She is such a smart woman. I hated to bother him because I know I wouldn't have called our old bishop under the same circumstances, I would have called Ben. Of course the blessing made me feel much better and I realized that I needed to quit trying to be like the other teachers and be Brother Howe. I still feel like I'm doing tons of stuff wrong, but it gets better every day and I may even miss having class on Monday since there's no school or seminary because of Labor Day.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hope you got to sleep in on Monday--I think Jer would die if he ever had to teach early morning seminary. That's pretty great to have your son be able to give you a blessing like the ones you've given to your children. Very cool.